Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29!!!

Its Leap Year Guys!!! One of my good friends turn 4 this year!! I'm so excited to celebrate it with her!! So my dance teacher gave us a challenge that every time we walk through a door frame..we have to leap through it instead. honor of leap year, I would like to challenge you all to leap through doorways! :D

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Best Night EVER!!!

Just had The BEST day EVER!!! With the Best group!! With my Best friend!! With the Best guy!! Thank you for dinner Case family!!! It was Amazing!! The decorations were Gorgeous!!! Pictures were fun! Thank you Mom for the Best dance/date EVER!!!!! I had a Blast!! Thank you sooo Much!! Lets do it again! :) :D :) :D

Thursday, February 23, 2012


This is Heaven on a cupcake. I'm not even joking. I was on facebook and my good friend Megan posted a picture of the most delicious looking chocolatey goodness (with peanut butter) on a cupcake!!! It honestly looks like Heaven on Earth!!! I so want to try one of these cupcakes!!! I can already tell that they are to DIE for!! & I haven't even tried them yet!! Megan is a really creative dessert making woman!!! I LOVE her to DEATH!!!! Ok now that I am done sharing my opinion about this Scrumptious looking can enjoy it too. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Traditions make us who we are. They shape us and our lives for the future. Like having breakfast as a family Christmas morning and then opening presents, making pies for Thanksgiving, sitting together in Church, making a special Sunday desert, so on and so forth.

One of the traditions in my family that has made an impact on my life is Sunday dinner. I love coming home from Church and taking a break from my meetings and all the chaos in life and just sit down at the dinner table and enjoy dinner with my family.

I never knew how much I loved having Sunday dinner until today when I missed the oppurtunity to have dinner with my family. Church ended at 4 and I had a YCL meeting right after that ended at 5. When I finally arrived family had already eaten and had our Sunday desert. It made me sad that my Church meetings were interfereing with my family, but I just need to keep going and find more ways to enjoy experiences with my family.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Excited or overcome by romatic feelings. The flighty exciting feeling you get when you think about him. The ever increasing acceleration of your heartbeat when you see him or hear his voice. The happy jumpy feeling you get that causes you to smile uncontrolably.

An enjoyable disorder characterized by feelings of excitement, anticipation, high hopes, recent memories of interludes, giddiness, and physical overstimulation which occur simultaneously when experiencing a new love.

These feelings take over without warning, usually at odd times (such as at a check-out line), with or without the partner present, and make it difficult to concentrate on anything but romance.

Twitterpation is an interesting experience that you will encounter all through out your life. Sometimes its difficult to deal with and will cause stress, but most of the time it will be fun and its eustress.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Besides School, you have the little things such as dances, different organizations, church, activities, friends, drama and Boys. Oh my goodness! Dont even get me started on boys. Sometimes they can be really sweet and fun and exciting, but other times they can be jerks by causing all kinds of drama, or the worst one yet is when they take over your mind and they're all you can think about. Like when you find yourself smiling when they say hi to you in the hall or when they say something nice to you and you jump up and down and you just want the moment to never end. Recently, I've found myself lying on my bed because I can't fall asleep because they're on my mind again. They've taken over my mind. They're in my every thought. Then you wonder if you're either possesed, obsessed, or twitterpated. Bleh!!


Do you ever get those feelings when you're just so overwhelmed with so many things that you just want time to freeze so that maybe you can get it all done? They say that school is a joy and a fun learning experience. They say that life is fun and educational. They say that you can't get any better than this life. First off I want to know who "they" is. Second, I believe on some perspectives this is true, but lets take a closer look.

School: brings multiple different classes that offer different amount of credits, tons of homework that adds up to a crap load, ideas of becoming great things and all the little details in between.
  • Multiple classes with different credits that have to equal 28 credits in the end is a bit harder to achieve then you would think.
  • Just because you only get a little homework from each class doesn't mean you end up with a little bit at the end of the day. A little bit times 8 is a lot.
Plus, we still have to worry about GPA's, Scholarships, Internships, MATC classes, Preparing for College, Paying for College and Preparing for the Rest of Our Lives.

How? I don't know. I haven't figured that part out yet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14

The debate between Valentines Day or Single Awareness Day... Well for me it is Single Awareness Day. Valentine's Day is cute for couples all over the world, but for people don't have anyone to share this day with, share it with all the single people. Now whether you are single or a can always have chocolate!! My mom's celebration for this holiday goes something like this...Eat enchiladas for dinner, have Chocolate strawberries for dessert, then we get our box of chocolates for the Bonus dessert. So it doesn't matter if I'm single or not...cause I still get Chocolate!! :P

Monday, February 13, 2012


I found the Perfect dress for Preference!! Finally!!! I love Ross! Its the Best! I'm so excited! So the theme for Preference is "All About Us" and so I decided to put a little fun into the boutineer and the corsage. First, flowers are going to be arranged on feathers. Second, I'm making and teaching my friends how to make them. Third, I'm putting a bird on mine. Its going to be soo Cute!! I cant wait!! :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

He said Yes!

One of the best feelings that you could ever have is when someone accepts or answers your question in a positive way. I asked one of my good friends to Preference on Wednesday and was worried that he didn't want to go or that he had something else planned for that day. Well after I was done eating my lunch he came up to us and answered with a Yes!! After that moment, I was really giddy and happy and I really feel accepted right now.
The most nerve racking thing for me is that this is my first School date dance and it was Girl's choice. Planning the actual date with my friends is the fun part, deciding on outfits is also the fun part, but trying to figure out who to ask, how to ask, and if they will respond is the hard part. Well now that he said yes, I can go shopping for a dress and shoes with my Mom & my Best friend Kodi. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby Blue

This is about the color of the dress that I want to wear to Prom. I've already got the dress and a jacket for it so it is Modest and I can feel comfortable wearing it in public. I guess I just have two problems. #1: shoes and #2: a date. The shoes are fairly easy...I can either wear black flats or I can wear white flats. I really like my Mom's idea of wearing baby blue converse. I think that would be so Cool and it is so Me!! The hard part is finding a date. Prom is a guy's choice dance, but what if I don't get asked? Is it weird if I ask someone? I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'll get asked, but still... Well I do have time to worry, its not until April. Well we'll have to see...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶'̶t̶

If you keep telling yourself that you cant do something, then that's what is going to keep happening. If you tell yourself that you can do it and you will do everything to accomplist it, then that's what will happen. You need to be determined and to have good goals and good habits to accomplish something, but you also need confidence in yourself. If you don't believe that you can and will succeed then there is no reason to start.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Has it ever dawned on you that there are so many different colors in our world and we cant even see all of them. I bet that we don't even realize the different classifications of colors. Many of the colors include things such as bread, almond, dirt, tree bark, sidewalk, etc. There are so many colors that we don't even realize are classified as colors. You could spend the whole day trying to think of colors and your list would never end.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I know that we go through hard trials that sometimes seem so hard to face, but I want to you to remember this thought... "Things in life will Always get better as long as you are living righteously. It may not come real soon or the way that you want it to, but it will get better." You need to make the best of things now. I promise it will get better. Stick to what you believe in. Don't cling to the Iron Rod. Hold fast to it, Strong and Steady. Life will be hard, I have no doubt about that, but if you give up and stand idly by, you're wasting one of the Greatest Gifts that The Lord gave you. Make this life the Best of them all, cause its the only one you get. Live your life the way you and The Lord would want you to. Use all your strength and SHINE!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mother Nature

My friend and I decided that we knew why Winter has been so weird this year. You see, there is a budget that Mother Nature has to work with and snow is just too expensive. She wanted to give us more springtime this year instead of a cold long winter. So she gave us snow in the mountain so that we could still go sledding, snow boarding, and skiing, but down in the valley it is mostly clear of snow.

I actually really like this idea of snow being too expensive. I'm not a big snow person right now. I guess it just depends on my mood and the time of year. Well, I have to thank Mother Nature for not giving us so much snow this year. I really appreciate it. It came in handy when I was driving. I've driven in a blizzard but nothing too dangerous. Thankfully, it didn't stick. So far I haven't hit ice yet...lets keep it that way.

Thank you Mother Nature!! You're one of the Best!! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Math. Is the most hated part of my existence. Well, one of them. I hate math with a fiery red passion. I don't see a point to some of the things that we're learning or have learned. For example: if you have taken Geometry and have had to solve a know what I mean. To solve a proof you have to prove why a triangle is a triangle, why a square has four 90* angles, so on and so forth. I think its completely stupid. The people who invented math and came up with all of the formulas had way too much time on their hands.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Sleep. I don't know what it is but it seems I don't get enough of it. At school all day today I felt like I should've been tired but I wasn't. I was bright and awake, but as soon as I get home...I'm nodding off like no tomorrow. Finished my homework and so I was looking at my email and deleting old emails that were funny but I just didn't need anymore. I couldn't help but nod on and off. It looked like a head bob or something. I don't was just weird.