Thursday, September 25, 2014


Impressive! You remembered all of the photos! You most likely have what's called an "eidetic" memory. This means that you have a remarkable ability to recall images. You pay attention to detail, you notice the small things, and you have a gut intuition that kicks in when you've seen something more than once. You have a great analytic abilities and you're a natural born problem solver.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Zealand...How Ironic? :p

You are an adventurous individual who enjoys being outdoors and spending time being active. You are a risk taker and have no problem striking up a conversation with a total stranger. When you travel you love to get to know the locals, and their customs, and are always up for a challenge. You thrive in a culture where others share your deep appreciation for land, and believe life is best lived outdoors. You love a hard hike, but also love the water and are happy to spend a day beach side. You thrive in a society with diversity and appreciate a simpler way of living. You are keen on learning about cultures and customs that are different than your own, and enjoy a deep conversation, whether it be philosophical or spiritual. You are not a city dweller by any means, and definitely believe that life is something to explore and experience firsthand. This country gives you endless opportunities to live both an active lifestyle and enjoy the company of new found friends.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Just Because

Your subconscious is obsessed with the fear of losing someone close.
The pictures you have selected suggest that from a very early age you have been a very emotional person. You have matured fast, and realized that people sometimes get hurt. This realization has made you worry for the people close to you, and that has only grown as you've matured. 
Your subconscious in constantly running disaster scenarios and comes up with new tragedies that will affect you and your family.
It also tells you that you should do something in order to save the people who are closest to you. 
There is no real way to let this feeling go, but instead of worrying, you should try to channel those feelings into something positive. For example: Treat the people in your life with great love and care, show them that you love them and that you appreciate them being in your life.


Dear Sister Jones:
You are hereby to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the New Zealand Hamilton Mission.  it is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You should report to the New Zealand Missionary Training Center on Thursday, January 29, 2015.  You will prepare to preach the gospel in the English language.

Still trying to gain control of everything; I haven't been able to think about anything since I got the letter.  Thoughts going through my head: its foreign, its a 24 hour flight, I leave in 5 months, I can't think, I'm freaking out!!!!  I Am A Missionary!!!!!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!