Friday, September 20, 2013

Listen to the Prophets - Do it. Live it. Love it.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf: We are living in a great season for all women in the Church. Mother's are an essential part of our Heavenly Father's plan for eternal happiness; they are endowed with a divine birthright. They are the real builders of nations wherever you live, because strong homes of love and peace will bring security to any nation.

Thomas S. Monson: Being a mother has never been an easy role. Some of the oldest writings in the world admonish us not to forsake the law of our mother, instruct us that a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother, and warn us not to ignore our mother when she is old. The scriptures also remind us that what we learn from our mothers comprises our very core values.

I am LDS - Do it. Live it. Love it.

A missionary must be in tune with that Holy Spirit. He/she must recognize its guidance and inspiration. His life must be pure so he can count on that Spirit in all that he does.

How can you prepare to enjoy the Holy Spirit?

1. Keep your life clean—in thought and action. Immorality is Satan’s most potent tool against us and leads to more unhappiness, grief, regret, and self-degradation than any other sin. It is deadly to our eternal progress. Avoid it like a plague....
2. Pray from your heart—then listen for God’s answer.
3. Develop a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ by practicing its teachings in your daily activities.
4. Stand up for what you believe. Set the standards for your life and don’t be swayed by lower standards of others. You are in charge of your life!
5. Honor your priesthood, which has come to you from God and will serve as an armor for you throughout life as you respect its mighty power.
6. Set long-range goals. Determine in advance your course of action. Map out where you want to go and how you are going to get there. This will help you resist the temptations of Satan when they come—as they surely will.
7. Keep the commandments. That will lead to happiness and fulfillment.
8. We have discovered that the best way to prepare for a mission is to have the spiritual experience of teaching the gospel to others before you are called. We urge you to reach out to your friends, help teach them the gospel by teaming with the full-time or the stake missionaries, bearing your testimonies in that atmosphere. You will then become acquainted with how the Holy Spirit works to guide others to the truth, and you will recognize its sweet influence in your own experience.

Missionary Work - Do it. Live it. Love it.

"No power on earth or in hell can stop this work or thwart the purposes of the Lord to have His soul-satisfying gospel message go to His children. It may take disasters in many forms to bring it about. But the purposes of God will be achieved. His children will hear the gospel of salvation in His own due time."
~Ezra Taft Benson

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Like Me ;P

Calm Down

Calm down, it'll probably never happen but I know several people who would be SHOVING people to get to the front of the line.. ;P

Brace Yourself ;P

Thank You for lovin me the same

Where's the night train going? O.o

Dear Tori,

I HATE when this happens!!!!

This truck needs to be black. Period.


Or who help you change your Dad's oil ;)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Say a Prayer

"Not all things work the way you want them too, that's why TRUST & FAITH are two very important keys in life.  Have FAITH that all things will come to pass and TRUST in the Lord's time schedule.  Because its not your time, its HIS time."

Meet Him Halfway

Christ meets YOU where YOU are. There is no hurt too big, no problem too large, no sin too awful that He can't meet us when we come. Only 1 thing is needed; that we believe He died & rose again for US & so we come to Him with sincere hearts & ask Him to be our Lord & our God. I have seen druggies, murderers, people who aborted finding Christ & walking with Him. Don't let your shame stop you from coming to Him. Jesus said, "I stand at the door (of your life) & knock. If any man opens the door, I will come in."

Happy Birthday to MY VERY BEST FRIEND, SISTER & MOM!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

How well do you know ME?

My first name ________________________?
My last name _________________________?
My favorite soda _______________________?
My dream car ________________________?
My birthday __________________________?
My favorite color______________________?
My eye color ________________________?
My natural hair color __________________?
My favorite candy ____________________?
My nickname ________________________?
My shoe size ________________________?
Most common thing on my mind _________?
Something I can't live without ____________?
My occupation _______________________?

Text me your answers!!! :)

Where do you fit?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Heaven's Glow

I've been thinking... the temple is THE SAFEST place for you spiritually. You don't have to worry about all of the commotion that's going on in the world--all of the spiritual storms, the tempests and the earthquakes. The world we live in is becoming more and more overrun by Satan and his followers. I promise you that as you make the temple your goal, as you seek refuge from the storm, you will feel peace in chaos.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

D&C 121:7-8

 7 (My son/daughter/your name), apeace be unto thy soul; thine badversity and thine afflictions shall be but a csmall moment;
 And then, if thou aendure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy bfoes.

If Joseph's trials were but a small moment, then the trials I have can't be too far off.


Your name is imprinted in the wounds on his hands, feet & side.  So when you're feeling overloaded with life and trials, know that The Lord Died for YOU to know EXACTLY what you're going through.  No matter what it is that you're struggling with, HE will help you through it.  I admit that I'm not perfect: I go to work full time, I have college life full time, I am the Laurel President, I have a family, I have friends, & I have things to do in between.  I want to read the Quad before I turn 18, I want to become a better person, I want to have a better idea of what I would like to major my studies in, I would like to decide whether or not I'm going on a mission.  There's a lot I need to do and it seems like very little time to do it in.  I become stressed very easily and I hardly ever have time to relax.  I'm still trying to prioritize my life and put the Lord first, but I want you all to try it as you go on with your life.  Prioritize your time and don't forget to include time for yourself.  I know its hard but "YOU can do HARD Things."

One Day Too Late

Time continues on whether you like it or not, so don't make the same mistake twice.  Learn from your mistakes, Act Now and have FUN because you only have one shot at it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Heavenly Father is in charge. He will put things in your path that you can handle if you trust in him. "...all things will be for your good." (D&C 122:7). Nothing is to hard for two people if one of them is the Lord.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tori's Procrastination


1. IF YOU KNEW THAT JESUS CHRIST HAD BEEN ON THE EARTH, in our day and had re-established his church, as he promised he would, and it was here today with his authority, his organization, and his pure teachings, WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED?
2. TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT HE HAS TRULY RE-ESTABLISHED HIS CHURCH, Jesus Christ left us a book which contains God's word to us through the prophets in Ancient America. It tells of the resurrected Christ as he appears to the people on the Western Hemisphere. This book is a witness that the Bible is true and another witness that Jesus is the Christ. If we gave you a free copy of this sacred scripture, WOULD YOU READ IT?

3. FAMILIES ARE FOREVER - Today, negative influences are working to break up families and destroy the youth. Even the best of families are having problems. Christ has given us a plan to keep marriage together, build strong families and raise righteous children. DO YOU HAVE AN INTEREST in learning additional ways to strengthen your family?

Its Punny :)

Oh Bessie

Letter to Me

Dear Future Tori,

Next time you would like to sleep outside, double check to make sure that the sprinklers actually get turned off.  Otherwise, you will be woken up with an automatic alarm clock that gives you a shower at 5:30 in the mornin!  Fun!!  Not...  -_-

Have a good day at church today! :D

Love, Me

A House of God

Plan for Happiness

She's there so let her help

It is Healthy!!!

The Crotch Camel

I know a few people like this ;P

"The Great & Wonderful Love" - Anthony D. Perkins

Childlike faith in the perfect love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will “divide asunder” Satan’s snares of inadequacy, imperfection, and guilt.

To all of my friends I want you to look up this talk.  Just because its something you need to hear, even if you have already.

Over 60 - a great exercise regimen

For those of you over 60 this is a great exercise regimen.  For you younguns out there (under 60), just keep it in mind until you reach that magic 60 number!

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room on each side.

With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides. Hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.  After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.

Then try 50-lb potato bags, and then eventually, try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.)

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.