Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Its Alright. Just Breathe.


I Miss My Puppy

My Girl Friends!!!

Just Be You.

I wish... :(

Stay Calm & Let Go

Modesty :)


Do it to it!!

Cheshire Cat

Smile, everyone needs it.

Love Yourself. Be Patient.

Don't be so Hard on yourself.  You're doing the best you can.  One step at a time.

I Am.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

One step at a time

Rise Above

Remember the Light

T-REX @ the shop

Daily Prayer

Matt's Advice...

Country Kiss

Country Love

Forget About It!


Mom ;)

Wow....just WOW!!

Do you ever have that feeling when you're so excited for something that when the day actually gets close, that excitement turns into crazy emotional nervous jitter bugs?  If you do, Congratulations, you're Human!  If you don't....I suggest you seek some professional help.
Everyone has their own reasons for having jitter bugs: new job, school, moving, a big presentation, etc.  My big thing right now is being able to turn in my Mission Papers.  I've had a countdown going for a while now and I'm finally to a point where I don't know what to do.  I've prepared and my papers are done, I've waited and waited and taken on each day with as much patience and faith as I can manage.  I'm well spent.  I'm ready to do it!!  I can smell victory just around the corner!  I'm nervous.  I'm actually doing this, there's no stopping me now!
On the other hand, after I submit my papers its just more waiting, patience and faith until I can actually leave.  One countdown at a time... :(  I'm taking it all one day at a time because I don't have another choice.  Maybe I'm the only one to notice, but you can complain all you want but it doesn't change anything.  You can mope around and whine all you want, but you're gonna have to keep going either way.

Make it count!!!  Giving up isn't considered an option.  The new guy in the shop (Satan) isn't bringing me down, if anything, I'll be the one to fire him!!  Make sense? ;)

Friday, July 25, 2014

A New Day

The twinkle of stars began to fade, their light dimming.  The mountains stood tall as the blinding light began to rise.  The ground warmed and the trees stretch their limbs.  The dew on the grass glistened as the light shone through.
~Victoria Jones (October 19, 2012)

Sunshine & Whiskey

I wouldn't mind gettin a DWK ;)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Cat

My paws hit the ground with a thud as I jumped.  I almost toppled over but quickly rolled to my feet and raced off.  Afraid to look behind me, in fear that he was there, I pushed myself farther.. faster..  I ducked, scurried and trampled through everything in front of me.  Just around the corner I spotted my cave.  Finally!  I was so anxious to find safety I came in too fast.  I slipped on the way in and hit the back wall.  Breathing heavily, I laid on the floor attempting to calm myself.  My breathing started to slow and I could see clearly again.  A high pitch squeak came out of my mouth when I looked up to see glowing green eyes in front of me.
~Victoria Jones (October 19, 2012)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My white tattered dress shimmered through the lights as I twisted and twirled; watching Mom's face fade from astonishment into awe as she watched me.  I began to slide around the floor while the music blasted and the lights blinded me.  I watched in amazement as my tattered maid's dress dyed itself purple.  The dress itself was long and flowing but still stretchy.  I back-flipped; watching the lace swirl with me.  I stretched my arm over my head as my legs melted into the floor.  My sleeves, periwinkle in color, moved with the flow of the music.
~Victoria Jones (October 19, 2012)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kodi Case ;)

Kodi, Meghan & Sara

Reminds me of John...for some reason..

Thanks Mom :)




#Mom #LoveYou

Matthew Tuft ;)

My Boy ;) :p

Family & Friends :)

Yes I CAN!!!!

Give Freely

Mark Twain

Clean Socks

LOVE the Rain!! :)

Art :)

Glow :)



Don't put up with the people who don't deserve to be there.

Love & Light


Have Faith :')

Elder Oaks :)

Family, John, Kodi, Work...