Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Melia :P


In our own flawed way, it is all secretly perfect. But also, in our own way, we are all completely insane.  its perfectly chaotic in the most insane way.

Monday, October 29, 2012

5 people, 5 things

5 things Needed in order to take care of "business..."

  1. Tori + crowbar, shovel & hammer
  2. Tasha + rope, fists, a brick & temper
  3. Melia + body bag
  4. Megan + van
  5. Emma + refreshments
P.S. I would run while you're ahead.


I Second this Motion!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who's there?

When you Truly stop trying, you find out who's Truly there for you.
He is...

The Abundance

"That night, I found my prayer longer than I ever remember saying one. I found the carpet indents deeper in my knees than I ever remember feeling them. I began to notice how truly blessed I am and the endless amount of abundance that fills my life, my lungs, my heart, my bloodstream, my gas tank, my closet, my refrigerator, my photo albums, my memory & journals, my mind - the abundance that I am made of. I AM the abundance; because of my Heavenly Father. I am the product of his endless mercies."
When you take the time to say that prayer, there is no room in your heart to feel ungrateful, or unhappy. We are blessed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emma!!! =D

Good Grades.......................................................................check!!
Car Accident.....................................................................Check!!!
Drove a SEXY truck.....................................................CHECK!!!!
Had a <3 to <3 with Heavenly Father..........DOUBLE CHECK!!!!!
Subway Gift Cards.......................................................LEGIT!!!!!!
LUNCH DATE WITH EMMA.......................CANT WAIT!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


8 more days 'til Halloween!!!  34 more days 'til Thanksgiving!!!  63 more days 'til Christmas!!!  69 more days 'til the New Year!!!  Last but Certainly NOT least...51 more days 'til I turn 17!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sticky Mess

I Refuse to jump into something when I cant see what's in it.  I have have no idea how deep it is or if I will get tar.

So I have 5 simple rules that I follow when it comes to the subject of dating.
Things to look for in a guy:

  1. Does he hold and RESPECT his Priesthood? 
  2. Is he a Return Missionary? 
  3. Will he take me to the Temple? 
  4. Do I feel comfortable when I'm with him? 
  5. Can I be my TRUE self? 
  6. Does he act the same way around his friends as he acts around me?  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


More than should be possible You begin to feel so left out and invisible that you want to disappear just to see if anyone notices and the reason Why they noticed; was it because they actually cared or because they needed something from you?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What if...?

What if I never survived the surgery?  I wouldn’t be here.Plain and simple, I wouldn’t even exist.The taste and smell of food would never become a part of my life.I would never face, over-come, and grow stronger from challenges.The feeling of Accomplishment would never be something that I could enjoy.I never would’ve made friends.I never would’ve met my siblings.I had a 99% chance of dying that day and somehow I got by with that other 1%.I would’ve never been able to love my Mom and Dad like I do now.I never would’ve been a Miracle Baby.

What if I was never raised in the Gospel?  I wouldn’t even live in Utah; I’d be living in some place like Texas.I’d be going to football games and beer parties on the weekend.I’d be hanging out with all the boys at the bonfires swearing up a storm.I’d be dating a redneck named Bubba.I’d be a hunter.Short-shorts and tank-tops would be most of the clothes that I owned.I would never have been baptized.I wouldn’t know what the Holy Ghost is.I never would’ve received my Patriarchal blessing.I never would’ve been married in the Temple. I wouldn’t have an Eternal Family. I never would’ve received the privilege of feeling my Savior’s love.