Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Its one of those days..

Wanna know whats worse about playing a sport you love, getting passed to frequently and missing every time....?  Playing a sport you love, knowing you CAN make it, but never getting passed to; no matter if you were open, moving or not....you just didn't get passed to.
I went to Basketball tonight (its my exercise for the week) and (as you all know) I shoot 3 pointers.  That's about all I can shoot....unless its a free-throw shot, but if its anything else - I overshoot it practically every time.  Its pretty pathetic.
So tonight I pushed my running more than I ever should have....2 reasons.  1-I sprained my ACL and totally killed it tonight and 2-I never got passed to...  I got so tired of not being passed to, I pretty much stopped playing.
My Dad stayed after the game to rebound my 3 pointers that no one would ever see...and the worst part is that I was making 75-80% of them.  While I was shooting, I began to get sloppy and barely hit the rim without making it in....my Dad asked if I was getting tired (and Honestly I wasn't) physically, that is.  Physically, I could have ran a few more courts and shot several more 3's but I was tired in a way...I'm tired mentally and emotionally.  I'm tired of being over-looked and unnoticed.  I'm tired of being down graded because of who I am, what gender I am, my size, my looks, everything.  I'm just tired of it.
Honestly, its not the first time this has happened to me, but this time it was different.  It happened to me by several people that I look up to and call my heroes.  Some heroes, right?
Don't take pity on me because of me and my venting.  I blog because I need to vent.  Not because I want pity, because I want to vent, but don't worry I'm done venting for tonight.
I'm going to bed.  G'Night.


Its Not YOUR time, its HIS time.

All the time...