Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I Love Hugs!!!  If you ever need a hug, just hug me!!!  I don't care! :)  Everyone needs to feel Loved & Supported (even me, like when I was coming home early and I got drenched in Love & Hugs)!!  Best feelings ever!!!

Laugh a little!

It's ok to feel tired, you're Human!!

Forget them

No one else's opinions matter.  Forget them.  Just be YOU and your Spiritual self.

Breathe A Bit

Whether it was for 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years, you touch someone's heart when you serve a mission.

Just a few updates on different things going on:

Sister Mickelsen (my companion) and I got along great!  we are eternally sisters, she's just a little bit older than I.  I love the pakeha's and mauri's and everyone else in between!!  I got to fix different car problems and diagnose different problems on the ward member's cars.
We haven't had any new investigators but the investigators we worked with are making great progress.
  • Hine, Denise, Anna and Pau all committed to coming to church.
  • Mexiko committed to getting baptized!!!  She picked March 28!
  • We recently gave Jazmyne, Ammohia, Suede & Jehi a Book of Mormon.
  • Anna committed coming to church and would like her son Pau (pronounced po) to get baptized.
  • Nesta is Raya's boyfriend.  Raya is a member of the church, Nesta is not.  We went hiking up the Hakarimata (which is a long beautiful hike using only steep steep stairs) with Raya and Nesta and gave a really good lesson about the Purpose of our life on Earth.
  • Chance & Nellie, Jodi & Nathan are less actives but we haven't been able to catch up with them.
  • Denise lives on a small country farm.  She's the main investigator in her family.  She has two kids, her husband, a goat, a dog, 2 cats, and a dead possum.  We did service for her by helping to clean the farm on tuesday because they had an inspection on wednesday.  We spent five hours cleaning cow poop and manure off of milk cups!!!  Despite how disgusting it sounds, it was way fun!! (although I may have fractured my arm and really strained the muscles in my arms).
  • Hine is one of our investigators who has a lot of really deep questions that I still don't know how to answer, but I believe that they shouldn't be answered.  Sister Mickelsen and I believe that her questions are led by Satan to cause contention in what we teach.  We have a member fellowship, Sister Coffey to help us with Hine.  We're absolutely sure that Sister Coffey's spirit will really help us with Hine.
  • Suede is hesitant to read the Book of Mormon but is willing to pray about it.  Jehi, her adopted sister, hates reading but has an interest in reading the Book of Mormon.  Our goal is to help her read and understand what she is reading.
  • Christine absolutely loathes her daughter Merea.  Christine wants to be young again and doesn't even own up to the fact that she has kids.  We are working with both of them to improve their relationships with God before they even start to work on each other.
  • We've received several referrals but haven't been able to get in contact with: Ma, Tina, Michael (we caught up with once on coincedence/the Lord's time but haven't seen since), Cory, Rangi, Ritu, Piki and Tufangi.
  • Rangi Ching is a less active member whom we chase chickens and roosters for.  She also lets us jump her hay bales ;)
  • The Floods are a part-member family.  Their twin boys: Jadon & Jarom are investigators.  Jarom was thoroughly intrigued that I was a Mechanic.  He's learning about Construction work so we got to share some insides on both sides. :)
  • Sharmin & Lael (mother & daughter) just finished moving and are currently less actives.  We've been reviewing the Atonement and how the Atonement effects their lives today.
The food is not as processed as home is.  Its Good food and it makes my mouth water.  Its also very filling.  The ice cream is amazing!!!  Its made with real cream and it tastes like someone dumped french vanilla coffee creamer in the ice cream mixture!!  Its so sweet and delicious.  Fruit and Ice Cream is the most common dessert.  The only food that I don't like is their chocolate.  It doesn't taste as good.  Its flaky and dry and its nasty.  Sister Mickelsen agrees with me, but apparently we are the only ones who think it tastes disgusting.

In my last email, I talked about being homesick and really struggling with personal and medical and health issues that I was having.  Many of you are a part of my home ward so you already know, but for the rest of you...I came home yesterday and I was at church today.  I counseled with President Rudd (my mission president) & The Lord & the decision was to send me home.  I won't go in to any detail because, to be honest, (don't take offense) but its none of anyone else's business but my own.  I've had some amazing experiences and if you ever need to, you can pick my brain about New Zealand, I can tell you more, but for now The Lord needs me at home. :)
An interesting thing that I did experience on my way home was an extra long Saturday....The Longest Day Ever...

Thank you for all of your support and everything you've done for me and for my family.  If you sent me any letters or packages, I have confirmation from one of my good friends at the Mission Office that she will send everything back to me personally.  

I love you!!!

Sister Jones

Sunday, February 15, 2015


last week went by so fast.  I cant believe it.  My companion Sister Mickelsen is from Aurora, Ut.  We've taught some investigators, non members, recent converts, already and I've felt the spirit and the hand of the lord more in my life than I have ever before.
Don't worry that you don't know how to do it, just Do IT!!!
You gotta BELIEVE you can!!! Its all about your attitude!!
I looked in the Mirror once I got to the Flat and felt like a Missionary for a moment.
Friday the 13th homesickness horridly sat in my heart.  I miss my Mom and My sisters and My brothers and My Daddy...  I hate riding bikes in skirts.  Home sickness is taking over and I'm letting it.
Valentine's Day wasn't too bad, we taught a few lessons and I'm trying not to think too much because I'm thinkin about home.

My companion has helped me so much and it really helps that we are pretty much sisters.  She's just a tad bit older.  
I've solved several car problems for members and non members in the ward and we've fixed and replaced a serpentine belt as well.  I've also got a guy interested in taking apart his engine and wants help doing it.  Yeah, I miss Jiffy Lube.
I'm starting to mix two accents together: my country and the new zealand slang.  Its cool.
I don't wear much make-up, just sweat it off.  My thighs kill from running and hiiking every morning for exercise.
Mosiah 7:33  Be diligent in all that you do and the lord will help you through.
A connection between the book of mormon and the forbidden fruit.  They are both desirable to the taste, they teach you the difference between good and evil and it is your choice to partake.
I know this is short but I don't have much to say today.  I've been hit with a big surprise in my life and  I'll let you know how it goes when I can get over it.  We might be hiking the hawks today  but I'm not sure...it looks like rain. ;)
I love you all!!!
Sister Jones

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Message from the Mission President

Kia ora!  Greetings from the New Zealand Hamilton Mission.

Sister Jones arrived safely to Hamilton, and is already labouring in her new area. Her companion is Sister Mickelsen.  They will be serving in the Hamilton Zone.  I have enclosed a picture of them, one of the entire group that arrived the same day, as well as a picture with us.  We love Sister Jones already!
We look forward to serving with Sister Jones in this wonderful work as the missionary wave floods this great country of New Zealand!  We need her and are excited to serve together!  Her testimony will grow as she helps others receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.

President and Sister Rudd

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

First Area....

Sister Mickelsen and Sister Victoria Jones
Ngaruawahia , New Zealand
(just north of Hamilton)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

As seen on Facebook....

The tag line on Facebook read "They have arrived."  
Sister Jones looks like she is enjoying being the center of attention. :)

Missionary luncheon with President Rudd before going into the field.

A short one

The Temple was AMAZING!!!!  I can't explain the feelings I had in the Temple.  I'm learning a lot and I can't believe that we already leave tomorrow!!! I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!!  I want you all to know that my sickness was a really horrendous allergy attack.  I'm doing much better after a blessing from our district leaders and missionary president.  I've gone through a lot and I can't tell you everything because we don't have time.  I have plenty of pictures to show you but I cant upload them while in the MTC.... sad, I know, but there is a lesson we can learn through patience!!  (don't worry, i'm struggling to learn it too ;)
I have 15 ish minutes left.  I've picked up a running habit, I love to run and push myself, hopefully I can continue to be active on my mission.
We've been practicing role plays and learning so much.  I love the food and I'm learning to control what I eat because I have gained weight.  I can't really describe what I'm feeling.  There is too much and I know that we have short time.  I love reading your personal emails.  They've helped me so much.  I know this email is short but I really need to go pack and finish cleaning and sleeping and I CANT BELIEVE I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!  I just got here...
I have to go!!!  I love you all!!!
Sister Jones

Photo from temples/lds.org 

Monday, February 2, 2015


I was able to read through most of the emails everyone sent but we have half the time we had last time.  I can't believe its only been a few days.  I'm on here at the MTC a total of 12 days.  Intense, right?  My teachers Brother Armstong and Sister Kapeli are amazing.  We have a massive zone including 70something people.  More Elders than Sisters.  We are broken down into districts.  My district's name is Alma and we have 8 people in there. 
My stomach has gotten bigger and I need to exercise more.  If you could send little exercises that I can do in the room or during breaks that would be appreciated.  I would also be very grateful if you could add my health into your prayers.  My allergies (i'm praying that is all this is) have intensified.  My head, eyes swollen, can't hear outta both ears, my stomach, i'm congested, and my throat.  All bothering me.  Sis gibson, our president's wife, has given me loads of different kinds of meds over the past few days and none have helped so we are going to visit a doctor today.
We have learned a lot and I hope to be able to write more next week but I must go.  One thing that I wanna encourage you to do is to always have Faith in God.  He's always there.
Love you!!