Thursday, October 11, 2012

What if...?

What if I never survived the surgery?  I wouldn’t be here.Plain and simple, I wouldn’t even exist.The taste and smell of food would never become a part of my life.I would never face, over-come, and grow stronger from challenges.The feeling of Accomplishment would never be something that I could enjoy.I never would’ve made friends.I never would’ve met my siblings.I had a 99% chance of dying that day and somehow I got by with that other 1%.I would’ve never been able to love my Mom and Dad like I do now.I never would’ve been a Miracle Baby.

What if I was never raised in the Gospel?  I wouldn’t even live in Utah; I’d be living in some place like Texas.I’d be going to football games and beer parties on the weekend.I’d be hanging out with all the boys at the bonfires swearing up a storm.I’d be dating a redneck named Bubba.I’d be a hunter.Short-shorts and tank-tops would be most of the clothes that I owned.I would never have been baptized.I wouldn’t know what the Holy Ghost is.I never would’ve received my Patriarchal blessing.I never would’ve been married in the Temple. I wouldn’t have an Eternal Family. I never would’ve received the privilege of feeling my Savior’s love.

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