Sunday, February 15, 2015


last week went by so fast.  I cant believe it.  My companion Sister Mickelsen is from Aurora, Ut.  We've taught some investigators, non members, recent converts, already and I've felt the spirit and the hand of the lord more in my life than I have ever before.
Don't worry that you don't know how to do it, just Do IT!!!
You gotta BELIEVE you can!!! Its all about your attitude!!
I looked in the Mirror once I got to the Flat and felt like a Missionary for a moment.
Friday the 13th homesickness horridly sat in my heart.  I miss my Mom and My sisters and My brothers and My Daddy...  I hate riding bikes in skirts.  Home sickness is taking over and I'm letting it.
Valentine's Day wasn't too bad, we taught a few lessons and I'm trying not to think too much because I'm thinkin about home.

My companion has helped me so much and it really helps that we are pretty much sisters.  She's just a tad bit older.  
I've solved several car problems for members and non members in the ward and we've fixed and replaced a serpentine belt as well.  I've also got a guy interested in taking apart his engine and wants help doing it.  Yeah, I miss Jiffy Lube.
I'm starting to mix two accents together: my country and the new zealand slang.  Its cool.
I don't wear much make-up, just sweat it off.  My thighs kill from running and hiiking every morning for exercise.
Mosiah 7:33  Be diligent in all that you do and the lord will help you through.
A connection between the book of mormon and the forbidden fruit.  They are both desirable to the taste, they teach you the difference between good and evil and it is your choice to partake.
I know this is short but I don't have much to say today.  I've been hit with a big surprise in my life and  I'll let you know how it goes when I can get over it.  We might be hiking the hawks today  but I'm not looks like rain. ;)
I love you all!!!
Sister Jones

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