Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A short one

The Temple was AMAZING!!!!  I can't explain the feelings I had in the Temple.  I'm learning a lot and I can't believe that we already leave tomorrow!!! I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!!  I want you all to know that my sickness was a really horrendous allergy attack.  I'm doing much better after a blessing from our district leaders and missionary president.  I've gone through a lot and I can't tell you everything because we don't have time.  I have plenty of pictures to show you but I cant upload them while in the MTC.... sad, I know, but there is a lesson we can learn through patience!!  (don't worry, i'm struggling to learn it too ;)
I have 15 ish minutes left.  I've picked up a running habit, I love to run and push myself, hopefully I can continue to be active on my mission.
We've been practicing role plays and learning so much.  I love the food and I'm learning to control what I eat because I have gained weight.  I can't really describe what I'm feeling.  There is too much and I know that we have short time.  I love reading your personal emails.  They've helped me so much.  I know this email is short but I really need to go pack and finish cleaning and sleeping and I CANT BELIEVE I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!  I just got here...
I have to go!!!  I love you all!!!
Sister Jones

Photo from temples/lds.org 

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